(Mostly Event Related)
501(c) non-profit's or charity's.
Mary's Place
Windermere Foundation
Seattle Children's
Special Olympics Washington
Seattle Academy of Arts & Sciences
Fred Hutch Cancer Research
Seattle's Union Gospel Mission
Pilchuck Glass School Auction
Seattle Country Day School
The Bush School
Holy Names
Evergreen School
Seattle Works
World Concern
Agros International
University of Washington Medicine
Seattle Mens & Women's Chorus
Plymouth Housing
Northwest Parkinson
St. Johns
Water First
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Seattle United
Cycle for Survival
Young Life
Arts Corps
The Mountaineers
Conservation International
Woodland Park Zoo
Gay City Health
Women's Funding Alliance
Washington Wine Commission
Hear See Hope Foundation
Seattle Boy's and Girl's Clubs
People For Puget Sound
Life Long Aids Alliance
Northwest Children's Fund
Gage Academy
Pilgrim Africa
Washington Technology
business Socials and Meetings
Allen Institute
Brooks Sports
Sellen Construction Company
Holland America
The Gates Foundation
Delta Airlines
US Foods
NATAS Northwest Chapter
Microsoft - Department Socials
Media Technology Expo
Tableau Software
Seattle Magazine
safety CODE PERMITTED, (MAX EGRESS FACILITY WIDE), CAPACITY 2,813 (Soundstage A & B combined)
We limit to 2200 facility wide (Standing - Decor will Limit)
SOUNDSTAGE A - CONCERT STANDING 1903 (Decor will limit)
Soundstage A - Dinner
SEATING (56 total tables)
72'' round tables (10-12 seated per table.)
SOUNDSTAGE B - STANDING - 910 (Per Code - Decor will limit)
SOUNDSTAGE B - SOCIAL 400 - 500 is comfortable.
SOUNDSTAGE B - DINNER SEATING (35 total tables). 72" round tables (10-12 seated per table)
Fremont Studios is a audience rated Soundstage facility. This means all safety requirements per Seattle Fire and Washington State building code for gathering of the general public are installed and monitored 24/7. In-case of an emergency the installed monitoring system will activate automatically and vocally announce and direct procedures for exiting. There are also manual alarm pulls located at all exit doors. All exit doors and corridors are illuminated and monitored for egress clearance.
Please click on the Events tab / Catering for the list or serf to https://fremontstudios.com/Catering.html
All of our event facilities and production services, including crews, are billed a-la-carte.
About 80% of our event customer base are fundraising events, all pricing is geared to the customer's needs and requests.
Some rates may vary on overall attendance size and type of production or event.
First check on availability for the dates you are requesting.
If available and your located near Seattle we suggest setting up a tour so we have a good understanding of your needs. After the tour we will generate an estimate based of your needs within the following day or so. If your not local we'll do it over the phone or email.
Facility bookings are based on a 12 hour use day within a 24 hour day.
Technical crew labor rates are billed based on a 10 hour work day with overtime @1.5X after 10hr, 2X after 12hr.
Parking options include adjacent pay lots available for hire, valet service, and availability for bus and semi parking with prior notice. We aim to cater to all your event needs, ensuring a seamless and successful experience at our facility.
For short business meetings please ask for free parking recommendations.
The studios official pay lot parking is directly across the street from the main entrance,
U-Park #75 with 45 stalls, east end of the facility,
U-Park # 72 with 35 stalls and at the west end of the block.
Pay per day parking is $10.00 + tax
Please ask us for booking and buyout Information.
VALET SERVICE - RECOMMENDED for events and meetings
Butler Valet - butlervalet.com - 425-883-0850
RedCarpet Valet - redcarpetvalet.net - 206-528-2162
BUS AND SEMI PARKING - Available with notice.
There is also ample street parking throughout Fremont, all walking distance from the facility.
Free all day parking on Canal St. (34th) and 35th streets.
Automobiles are allowed inside Fremont Studios during public assembly events.
Yes, all the video examples seen on the website are our AV services end product.
Yes... (We call it "bookings" because expertise labor is always part of the studio facility operations.)
Facility bookings are based on a 12 hour use day within a 24 hour day.Yes,
Technical crew labor rates are billed based on a 10 hour work day with overtime @1.5X after 10hr, 2X after 12hr.
LUMEN / has a permanently installed head end 24 pair glass fiber loom portal located in our transmission room equipment rack: (1 of 24 lines are hot contracted to Fremont Studios for broadband data transmission.) The service is 1 gig-up / 1 gig-down fixed speed. A second line is available on demand with notice. the remaining 22 dark lines are available for long term special projects. Fremont Studios is RECOGNIZED AS a backup portal to local network broadcasters encase of unforeseen disasters.
a DEDICATED data LINE BETWEEN our 1080p 60fps video/audio output signal is encoded to data via an AJA helo H.264 1080p 60fps streamer to an Adtran Netvanta 5660 fiber TRANSMISSION data ROUTER feeding the input to the laser.
Yes, please use the contact us form below 24/7. Tell us what you know about what you lost and where.
Fremont Studios is a standalone, concrete block, facility encompassing most of a city block in a high end light industrial area of Seattle called Fremont. (Local neighboring business, Google, Tableau, Brooks Running, Theo Chocolate.) It has 8 exterior entrance/exit areas all with 24/7 HD security cameras (17 total - 4 robotic) accessible live worldwide. The interior security system is equipped with perimeter door sensors and all studios, entrance and exit corridors, are equipped with infrared motion sensors. The system is monitored by Washington Alarm Dispatch when unoccupied. In addition several interior rooms and hallways are Battery IP Ring camera equipped, monitored by management, 24/7.
Fremont Studios has been utilized by several of the world’s most protected executives and classified products favoring its stealth location and perimeter secure operation.
All deliveries must check-in with Fremont Studios Staff before unloading.
We have specified delivery doors, loading docks and carts to assist you as needed.
TO UNLOAD Please park on the street in the designated 90 ft. delivery parking area directly in front of the building. Please face the legal traffic direction.
Large carts are available when needed. Please no carts on entrance / foyer carpet.
Do not park directly in front of the BIG 30ft. loading dock door. If you need to park there please inform a fremont staff member so we know where to find you if needed.
Do not LOAD ANYTHING THROUGH THE MAIN GUEST DOORS please use designated loading doors.
Space restrictions prevent Fremont Studios from housing equipment, unless a prior arrangement has been made. All materials related to production or events must be removed at the completion of the project.
"Backstage Door" located about 50ft left of the Main Audience Doors on 35th street, under the US flag. Using any other door jeopardizes the security of the facility.
All deliveries must check-in with Fremont Studios Staff before unloading. We have specified delivery doors, loading docks and carts to assist you as needed.
When inquiring about event services, please include your production date.